Eva Longoria

      Eva Longoria is always active no matter if its about shooting scenes for "Desperate Housewives",work for charities or supporting her husband Tony Parker on his basketball game. The famous "housewife" does not seem desperate at all when it comes to her look. On her sexy firm body, there is not a single trace of fats and Longoria is shining wearing all kinds of night dresses and hot bikini.

      Longoria is not a fan of strict diets with starvation. She is directed towards healthy food diet, which will maintain her fit body line.

      Here's what Eva Longoria is taking care of in her daily diet which provides her to be healthy and in shape:
  • Proteins for breakfast: Longoria is eating foods rich in protein for breakfast like egg white or foods rich in fiber (grain).
  • Many fruits and vegetables. Eva loves to eat fresh fruit and vegetables for snacks and says that often eats broccoli and spinach.
  • No fast food. The attractive actress might be one of the few people who are not fans of fast food. Of course, sometimes she eats cookies or other sweet desserts.

        Asked by a reporter from Us Magazine, what's her goal, what does she wants to achieve in the course of 2009, Eva said that she wants to give up from meat. She now brings more vegetables and fruit to the diet in order to remove most of the pounds, which supposed to put on her body to be able to play the role of the fat Gaby in the fifth season of the series "Desperate Housewives".